Tuesday, May 31, 2011


The weather seems to have stopped being rainy and cool for the past few days, the pool in my back yard is now open for the summer, and I have months ahead of me of few commitments... I think this summer is going to be great

Thursday, May 5, 2011

its sad that this is the most dressed up i've been in days... and its just to go to lunch at my grandma's. also my necklace is broken... gotta fix that.


speaking of sewing... my parents got me a dress form for my birthday last week! I am really excited to use it... now it means i can stop trying to invision things laid out on the floor, and no more trying to put on half-sewn items to see if the fit is correct! yay!


I haven't had much to do for the past two weeks since I moved back home to Trenton... so I've been spending a LOT of time on the internet. Looking at clothes mostly. Which is just taunting me because I have $0 so I can't buy any of the pretty things I see online. At least it is inspiring me to sew more though. Anyways these are some pretty things from Zara that I wouldn't mind having in my closet